Is there any guide for completing the on-chain quest for DApps?
When can I mint Kromans?
Can I equip over 6 Pro Gamer's Items on 1 Kroman?
No, you can equip a total of 6 Pro Gamer's Items on 1 Kroman. If you want to change from lower rarity items to higher rarity items, you need to detach the attached one. Equipping Pro Gamer's Items on Kromans can be done when the Armory facility opens. 7/18!
Why should I exchange Galxe ORE for the new one?
This is to help users execute transactions in bulk with just a few clicks. Ever since the Ore contract deployed before is ERC-721, it cannot proceed with the transactions in bulk. As so, we deployed Ore in the ERC-1155 contract. Those two Ore contracts have no difference, and the value is just the same. Therefore, those who have Ore of ERC-721 need to exchange it for Ore of ERC-1155. Go to here.
I cannot get verified on Intract although I did the on-chain quest
Please check if your Intract is connected to the same wallet as the DApps wallet.
Why do I have to proceed with 2 transactions at the same time? (approve and crafting/refining/revealing)
1 for approving your transactions. 1 for executing your crafting/refining/revealing transaction.
I have finished all the quests in the Intract but cannot get Batch 1 rewards (Mystic Alloys)
Refresh your page and then you will get it!
Last updated