Oretopia = Ore + Utopia
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V.I. slipped back to the De-trom Leader’s side just before he awoke. Together, they embarked on their journey to Oretopia, the vibrant heart of the Kroma Creative Universe and the key to obtaining Ores. V.I. had discovered Oretopia following the collision between the KCU and the gaming world, which had revealed Ore and caused a massive explosion at the arena.
V.I. asked cautiously as they walked.
replied the De-trom Leader.
Before he became the leader, his son was born with a birth defect, causing great hardship. Coming from a non-noble background, their access to health treatments was limited. One day, he discovered the power of Kroma energy to enhance their strength. From that moment, he dedicated himself to seeking Kroma energy, conquering others, and rising to leadership to secure the necessary treatment for his son. His goal now was to gather more Ores to solidify his position and empower his son.
Upon arriving in Oretopia, the De-trom Leader was captivated by the futuristic building that resembled something from a cyber-world movie. Most captivating was the giant Ore standing in a large glass dome atop the building.
V.I. explained, guiding the De-trom Leader inside the building.
With a deep breath, the De-trom Leader stepped into the Oretopia building. As he moved forward, he found himself in a vast universe with no boundaries, like a galaxy, filling with glowing light.
In the blink of an eye, he suddenly found himself in the Crystal Cavern, where the walls were lined with glowing crystals that sang a haunting melody. Deep in the cavern, the De-trom Leader faced a fearsome crystal golem, a guardian of the cavern’s treasures. The battle was intense, with the golem’s attacks echoing through the cavern like thunder. The De-trom Leader dodged the golem’s strikes and used his agility to defeat it. As the golem crumbled, he noticed something shining on the ground.
the De-trom Leader murmured to himself while picking it up and putting it in his pocket.
Then, he continued his journey. His adventure brought him to the Sky Islands, a series of floating islands connected by shaky bridges and magical portals. Here, he met an ancient dragon who blocked his way. The dragon sensed the De-trom Leader’s strength and relished the challenge of proving itself stronger. The dragon’s fiery breath and powerful wings tested the De-trom Leader’s limits. However, with his powerful abilities, he managed to fight back against the dragon. Impressed by his bravery, the dragon recognized a kindred spirit in the De-trom Leader. The two heroes nodded to each other in mutual respect. The dragon, recognizing a kindred spirit, nodded goodbye and flew away, leaving De-trom Leader to continue his journey.
As he traveled through different realms, the De-trom Leader encountered ancient guardians, mystical beings, and hidden traps. Each encounter tested his skills and determination. Along the way, he also collected more Ores and met new friends. He was so impressed with this place, full of adventures and opportunities to make allies. He was thrilled and eager for more.
After completing his adventures, the De-trom Leader returned to Oretopia with hands full of hard-earned Ore. Despite this, his eyes stayed fixed on the giant Ore atop Oretopia. Its huge size and brilliance spoke of incredible power, sparking a surge of desire within him. He climbed up and reached for the giant Ore.
V.I. shouted.
As the De-trom Leader’s hands closed around it, the air crackled with energy. Suddenly, the Oretopia building began to shake.
V.I. warned, but it was too late. The De-trom Leader’s attempt to take giant Ore caused a massive explosion.
Thrown back, he landed hard on the ground, injured and shaken. The giant Ore remained where it was, unclaimed and pulsing with energy. Nursing his wounds, the De-trom Leader realized his mistake. According to the rules of the KCU, rewards were meant for those who contributed, not taken by force.
As V.I. helped him up, the De-trom Leader still longed for the giant Ore, but his injuries were severe. Unable to return home and worry his family, he could only think of one place: his secret Armory.
Reluctantly, he asked V.I. to go with him as he was too injured to go alone. V.I. agreed, thinking it might be where the De-trom Leader worked with Pro Gamer’s Items.
As they traveled north, V.I. left clues along the way, marking their path and guiding them toward the Armory. Passing through the Gate, V.I. subtly left hints for the species leaders who might notice.
What secrets did the Armory hold? Could the Human Leader, Rider Leader, and Harmon Chief find the clues and reach the Armory?